Many thanks to those who have taken interest and helped with the Coexistence Kids and Living with Big Cats over the years. The initial learning group at Bardiya National Park in west Nepal was the model developed, that has now evolved into a new format which includes collaboration with the Jane Goodall Institute (Nepal) which is supplying wildlife text books to key areas affected by human – wildlife conflict where we are in the process of deploying LeopardEye. This page will be update during January 2025 as our education platform evolves to work in conjunction with the Youth for Human-Wildlife Coexistence (YHWC) network,
This video is an example of the easy to understand and learn from content. A series of learning modules have been constructed with the emphasis on coexistence.
From coordinator Jack Kinross, “it’s not just a matter of giving children a good education, it’s the definition of a good education, the human future on the planet depends on that”.
Our thanks to collaborators and supporters, we’d like to acknowledge the Youth Education and Training Initiatives (YETI) Nepal Trust (a New Zealand organization) and Nepally Dream (a France-Nepal organization).
Check out images below from Living with Big Cats and Coexistence Kids from the last few years at Bardiya National Park, west Nepal: