Becoming a Patron to help our work

Jack here, my thanks to you for arriving at this page with a view to becoming a Patron. This helps our work immeasurably, we encourage is a yearly USD$50 subscription (less than the cost of a couple of good coffees a month). Becoming a Patron means extra content from my Substack at as well as other benefits but most importantly you are helping with our implementation of LeopardEye which effectively gives safety to both people and wildlife.

The $50 is not mandatory, you can give less or more as you wish. There’s two main ways to subscribe as a Patron, simply fill out the form below and deposit to the WildTiger bank account or email me directly at because a) it’s great to be able to say hello and thank you and b) I can supply you with the appropriate PayPal account according to your region or offer alternative ways to help.

If you’d rather stay anonymous then we also have this option at Patreon.

To make a bank deposit simply send a blank email to subscribe@wildtiger,org (you can leave a message if you like) and use the account as shown:

WILDTIGER (Please write as one word as written in capitals)

St George Bank BSB 112-879
Acc 447 995 382

To contact me directly so as to obtain the appropriate PayPal address please email

To use Patreon please go HERE.